Summit Church
Sermons from Pastor Elizabeth Jorgensen and the pastoral staff of Summit Church, a Foursquare Church located in Kimberley, BC.
52 episodes
January 26th, Simon Ayrton, Ephesians Chapter 1
In this message Simon explores themes out of Ephesians chapter 1. This chapter touches on truths about our identity, belonging and spiritual inheritance. These themes and truths are part of the incredible blessings that God has in store for us ...
Simon Ayrton - The promises of the Lord - 12th Jan 2025
Pastor Simon shares on some specific promises from scripture. When we lose hope we be restored by meditiating on the promises of God.
A Love Letter
In this message, Pastor Lizzy shared from Philippians 1 and looked at how Paul loved the Philippian church. As we choose to step in and follow Jesus, Summit will continue to flourish through love, prayer, and unity.
Heart Check
In this message, Pastor Lizzy examined 2 Corinthians 8-9 to see how two churches responded to the heart and act of financial giving. Through this study, we assessed our current state as individuals and as a church, and we learned that the heart...
Faith to Step In
This week, Pastor Lizzy spoke from Joshua 3, and having the faith to step into what God is asking of us. Just like the Israelites did, we will see the wonders and miracles of God when we follow Him and get our feet wet.
Season 2
Episode 23
Psalm 23
We were privileged to hear from a guest speaker, Simon, as he led us through Psalm 23. We were encouraged that God is our Good Shepherd, and He walks with us through every part of life.
Season 2
Episode 22
Foursquare Missions
Pastor Lizzy took time to share with us a bit more of our DNA as a Foursquare church, and looked at how Foursquare Canada works around the world on mission together.
Season 2
Episode 21
Acts: Follow the Leader
Have you ever played a game of follow the leader? In this sermon, Pastor Lizzy taught on the apostle Paul’s second missionary journey, and how the Lord continued to direct him, even though it was at times in directions that Paul was not expecti...
Season 2
Episode 20
Acts: Barnabas
In this sermon, Pastor Tyler discusses one of the most underappreciated yet influential characters in the book of Acts: Barnabas. Barnabas was an encourager and believed in people even when they did not believe in themselves. We are all called ...
Season 2
Episode 19
ACTS: Our Concept of the Church.
This Sunday, pastor Tyler shared about our concept of the church and how we need to evaluate our assumptions of the what the church is in light of Jesus and His Word. In this message, we are taught what the church is and encouraged to live that...
Season 2
Episode 18
Acts: Pentecost - Unity
This Sunday, we recognized and celebrated Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit on the early church to fill them with power to be witnesses. We learned that a spirit of unity prepared the church for the empowering of the Holy Spirit and p...
Season 2
Episode 17
Acts: I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
This was the hardest message I've ever had to give. I spoke from the heart. It's not a perfectly polished fact, it's a bit messy, but it's real. As we step out in obedience, trust, and faith, we know that God will continue to care ...
Firm Foundation
Sunday, May 5th, we heard Pastor Ed Crowell share how we need to build our lives on the firm foundation of God's Word. He encouraged us to know the Word of God and hear his voice and to discern the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
Season 2
Episode 15
Acts: The Space Between
This week pastor Tyler talks about the life of Saul and the space between his calling and his ministry. Saul's life story gives us hope that even when the good things in our lives seem stalled or delayed, God is still faithfully working a...
Season 2
Episode 14
Acts: Philip the Evangelist
In this two-in-one sermon, Pastor Lizzy taught from Acts 8, following the life and ministry of Philip. We learned that even though God leads us into different seasons and situations, His call to be His witness remains. *We had a medical emergen...
Season 2
Episode 13
Easter 2024
This morning, Pastor Lizzy shared an encouraging message about the power of God to remove stones in our lives, just as He did when the stone was rolled away from the entrance of the tomb.
Season 2
Episode 12
Acts: Faithful Through Persecution
In this message, Evan took us through Acts 5, and the shocking response the apostles had to the persecution they faced in the midst of spiritual revival. We learned and were encouraged by the apostles' stance that, "Radical obedience to Jesus C...
Season 2
Episode 11
Acts: Holy Spirit Part 2
This morning, Pastor Tyler shared his testimony regarding the Holy Spirit, and how he journeyed from a feelings of weird to wonder, wonder to wanting, and wanting to walking with the Holy Spirit. This is a powerful message on the personhood of ...
Season 2
Episode 10
Acts: Holy Spirit Part 1
In this message, Pastor Lizzy shares about the Person of the Holy Spirit; who He is, and what He does. In looking through Acts 2, and John 14-16, we learn that the Holy Spirit was given for power to witness about Jesus.
Season 2
Episode 9
Acts 1: Wait and Trust
This morning, Sandra shared a timely word from Acts 1 on waiting on God to move in power. Sometimes, it doesn't look like we think it should, but God is faithful and will move in our lives.
Season 2
Episode 8
Woman at the Well: Seen, Known, Loved, and Filled
This Sunday, we had the privilege of hearing Pastor Evan speak about Jesus' interaction with the Samaritan woman at the well. We are encouraged to thirst and be filled with the living water of God's Spirit.
Season 2
Episode 7
Zacchaeus, Seen and Changed
In this message, Pastor Lizzy retold the story of the wee little man, Zacchaeus, from Luke 19, and illustrated how, with one look from Jesus, his life was changed. What would happen if we saw others as Jesus does, and walked in His transformati...
Season 2
Episode 6